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What Is Geofencing?

Feb 16, 2023

Fine-Tune Your Lead Generation

The business of lead generation is usually a lot like carpet bombing: You spend a lot of money hitting people you don’t even care to reach to find the ones you want. Geofencing brings to lead generation the precision of a laser-guided missile. With Geofencing, you only pay to reach the exact targets you want.  So what is it, how does it work, and how does it benefit businesses of all sizes and types?

What is Geofencing?

Geofencing is the most powerful tool we have to help businesses reach the right customers at the right time. Geofencing involves identifying cities, counties, and regions that are most likely to produce the desired results for our clients. Geofencing can be used to increase visibility, build brand awareness, drive traffic and sales, and gain competitive advantage in local markets. Most importantly, it lets us force your website onto the first page of Google in the areas you target, forcing your competitors down the rankings.

putting a pin in a map

How Does It Work?

The data generated by geofencing is often based on geographic data collected from various sources such as customer demographics and search engine user behavior. This data is then analyzed by an algorithm to determine which locations are most likely to produce the desired outcomes for a given campaign. Geofencing includes targeting specific cities or counties as well as more broadly focusing on regions like states or countries. It helps marketers reach potential customers who may not have heard of their brand before by providing them with targeted messages tailored to their local area.

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How Is It Useful to Small Businesses?

While national firms might need to invest in a great deal of AI and algorithm development in order to capitalize on the benefits of Geofencing, this is not the case for small businesses.  In the case of small businesses, no AI is needed to develop geofencing targets. You know your market very well, and you know exactly the towns, cities and neighborhoods that will produce the best leads for your business. Once we get a list from you of those areas, we use our technology to target those areas through Google search, location by location.

digital map of new york

Geofencing Can Help Your Google Rankings
Another exciting aspect of geofencing is the applications it has with
search engine optimization.  SEO is the process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. It involves a combination of various on-page and off-page tactics to improve the visibility and relevance of a website, with the goal of attracting more organic traffic from search engines.  For all intents and purposes though, Google rankings are the only ones that really matter as they comprise about 84% of global searches. When it comes to Google SEO, geofencing is especially important because it helps businesses climb up on Google's first page of search results and push their competitors off.

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Geofencing Should be an Important Part of Your Toolbox
By using location-based keywords and phrases, businesses can ensure that they appear higher in local search rankings so they’re easier for potential customers to find.
Location-based keywords alone can lead to huge increases in local search engine ranking (up to 40 percent in some cases) while also helping promote greater visibility across multiple locations and regions. Geofencing also works well when combined with other SEO techniques, such as backlinking or optimizing content for specific users’ needs and interests, creating even higher organic rankings for businesses worldwide.

Overall, Geofencing is one of the most effective tools available today for online marketers looking to maximize ROI while staying ahead of the competition locally and globally alike – making it an invaluable asset no matter what industry your business operates within.

Reach out to Bob or one of his partners to talk about how Geofencing can help grow your business.

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aerial map
personal holding a globe
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